I am what most people would consider a “hoarder,” although I call myself a “pack-rat.” Either way, my home was, without a doubt, a disaster zone for a number of reasons. I refused to ever have anyone come over (even if I had, there was no place for them to sit). When I finally realized that I could not clear my clutter alone and that I needed help. My sister helped find Gwynnae Byrd at Home Transitions for me and I am eternally grateful. From the very first time Gwynnae came over, she gently led me through the much needed trek to an uncluttered home, mind and life. She allowed me to go at whatever pace I was, without any judgment or criticism, which is often associated with this condition. I could not have come this far without Gwynnae and Home Transitions. I am happy to say that we now have an ongoing relationship to help me continue my quest toward living organized. I would recommend Gwynnae and Home Transitions to anyone wanting any amount (small or large) of organization in their life.